Friday, May 13, 2011

National Parks

By Gracie F.

In the United States, one of the many things that bring tourists to our great country is our national parks. We have many great things here, but one of the best of those is our landscape. In our country, we have 58 national parks, which is a lot for one country to hold. One of these historic places is Old Faithful. Old Faithful is a geyser in Yellowstone National Park that can squirt boiling water up to 180 feet in the air! And did you know that Teddy Roosevelt founded Yellowstone? It’s true! There’s a huge memorial to him at the entrance to the park. Another park is the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is a huge canyon in Arizona that was carved by the Colorado River. It’s really deep, too. So, have you ever been to one of these parks, or one like it? If yes, then answer the poll on the side to tell which ones.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some main dish which represent Korea

Korean food

by Hyemin S.


Bibimbap is a signature Korean dish. Bibimbap means 'mixed meals'. Americans may think it is ridiculous, but Bibimbap is very good and healthy. It is also delicious.

This picture is some ingredients of Bibimbap. You sure can add other ingredients. Bibimbap is served as a bowl of a warm rice, and topped with namul(general term for a Korean seasoned vegetable dish) and gochujang(chili pepper paste). Also raw egg or fried egg and sliced meat(usually beef) are common additions. Those ingredients are mixed together. You can eat this dish at a Korean Restaurant. There are many Korean Restaurant in America! So, you can try it! 'Cho Sun Ok Restaurant' is one of the Korean restaurant in the U.S.A. Bibimbap is $6.95 in 'Cho Sun Ok restaurant'.


Kimbap is a Korean Style Sushi Roll. Kimbap is a popular meal for lunch in Korea. In Korea, You can find it everywhere : picnics, schoolchildren's lunch boxes, convenience stores, etc. The idea was borrowed from the Japanese, but Korean Kimbap is slightly different! Even I like Kimbap more. You may buy it in U.S.A too. Or, You may try make it with the parents! Because you can find a recipe on the internet.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Couple of Green Tips

By Emma C.

Our school has done a good job staying green. Why don’t you try to green up your homes we have at our school? Here are a few tips for starters:

1. Recycle: buy a recycling can

2. Reduce paper: use both sides

3. Eat healthier: to stay unwrapperish*

4. Reuse plastic bottles: buy a water bottle

5. Reuse newspaper: for making fires, paper mache, wrapping gifts, and other things

6. Decrease pencils: pick up the pencils on the ground!

7. Plant gardens: like Holmes school!

8. Compost**

9. Use bird feeders: (to attract birds)

10.Don’t litter: it destroys the animal’s ecosystem

Don’t forget the Three R’s! And remember, be waste free every day, not just on Wednesdays.

*Unwrapperish means to not have more manufactured wrappers on your food than necessary.

* *Composting means to have an outside tub full of dirt, garbage (orange peels, banana peels, eggs shells…), and worms. Even though composting takes a while for results, the soil turns out VERY rich.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A woman tried to sends a puppy through ‘home delivery’!

By Hyemin S.

About three months ago, 39-year-old, Ms. Champion went to a Minneapolis post office with a package that she wanted to send to her son who lives in Georgia. She said to the worker behind the counter, she needed to ship the box quickly and chose a two-day priority mail service.

A reporter from the Daily Mail said, Ms. Champion gave 22 dollars to send the box. Then the package began to move by itself on top of the counter! And it fell to the floor.

Minneapolis Police Department said, “At that point, the clerk and supervisor could hear a sound like panting coming from inside the box. They could hear it in the box, they opened the box and discovered a live puppy in there with no food or water.”

She was mailing a four-month-old Schnauzer gift to her son.

A postal inspector said the package was wrapped so tight and was without air holes. And he also explained if the package shipped, it would be sent by air without being pressurized and unheated.

Luckily the puppy wasn’t hurt in the fall though. And it was taken into safe keeping by animal control.

When Stacy Champion first brought the box to the post office, she said it is toy robot. She lied.

Meanwhile, Stacey Champion has been charged with animal cruelty. She wants to request getting the dog back, but the request was denied. A hearing officer told her in CNN report, "You cannot tell me that you thought you were doing the right thing." But Champion explains that she intended to send the puppy to her son on his birthday because she said she “wanted to surprise him really, really good.”

[ Source ]

Zelman, Joanna – “Stacey Champion, Woman who tried to Mail Puppy, wants Dog And Postage Back” (Web. 24 Mar. 2011)

Lussenhop, Jessica – “Stacey Champion will not get her Priority Mail puppy back” (Web.7 Feb. 2011)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Global Warming

By Emma C.

Global Warming is the burning of the ozone. The ozone protects us from the sun’s extreme temperatures. If we weaken the ozone, we will have to put on stronger sunscreen and put it on more often. When we weaken the ozone, it means we produce more air pollution such as smoke. The biggest culprit in the burning is carbon dioxide. Trees produce oxygen and they breathe in carbon dioxide. We inhale oxygen and they exhale carbon dioxide. So when we burn or cut down trees, we limit our oxygen and make the carbon dioxide numbers grow bigger.

Now Global Warming is affecting the polar bears and other creatures in Arctic. Soon there will be no Arctic animals. Now the polar bears have to swim for miles until they find an iceberg or an island. You might ask, “Why don’t they just stay where they instead of moving to another iceberg?” Since the sun is getting hotter, the ice starts to melt. And when the icebergs start to melt, there won’t be enough ice for the polar bears to live on so they will be forced to swim. For all you animal lovers, and everybody else, do you really want to force polar animals into extinction?

We can help by walking more, not using harmful chemicals, and telling an adult if you see someone doing something that can harm our Earth. The Arctic animals will thank you.

Questions You Might Ask the President of the U.S.A.

By Gracie F.

Have you ever wondered what the President’s job is like? What his personal life is like? Maybe how many Secret Service agents he has? If yes, you’re not alone. Every day, someone in the U.S. wonders ‘Who is this man who’s leading our country?’ Well, if you ever try to communicate with him, in any way, then here are some questions you might ask.

What’s the secret to becoming president?


When was the last time you drove by yourself?


Why did you want to become president?


Which other president inspired you most?


Do you ever worry about being assassinated?


How much stress are you usually under?


Did you know that the president reads 10 letters a day, but receives many more? Two months ago, Ms. Turi’s class was lucky enough to write a letter to the president and get a reply! The president said “You are the new generation” and “You determine the future.” He was right. You have to do good things for this Earth, help the economy, and be kind to the world.     

         If you have another creative question for this inspiring person, then you can put it in the comments section for this article.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5 Ways to Conserve the Earth's Oceans

By Gracie F.

In the past few years, we haven’t been treating our Earth’s oceans that well. For example, you have probably heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Some people estimated that around 210,000 gallons leaked into the ocean a day! It was horrible and it killed a whole lot of precious sea life. There’s also been major overfishing in already sensitive areas and people just throwing garbage into bodies of water instead of walking ten more feet. So, if you want to be a good person and take care of the resource that keeps us alive and well, keep on reading, help the Earth, and spread the word. 

1.   Throw trash into the garbage, not onto the ground.
Trash can get blown into the water and suffocate the fish.

2.   Walk more.
Transporting the oil in your car can make oil spills happen.

3.   If you see an animal in an unnatural water habitat, tell a professional immediately.
Water animals can suffocate and die in the wrong habitat.

4.   Protest when new factories are built on the seashore.
Factories often pour excess materials into large bodies of water.

Only go fishing in the designated areas.
If there is not enough fish, the sea animals farther up the food chain will starve.