Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5 Ways to Conserve the Earth's Oceans

By Gracie F.

In the past few years, we haven’t been treating our Earth’s oceans that well. For example, you have probably heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Some people estimated that around 210,000 gallons leaked into the ocean a day! It was horrible and it killed a whole lot of precious sea life. There’s also been major overfishing in already sensitive areas and people just throwing garbage into bodies of water instead of walking ten more feet. So, if you want to be a good person and take care of the resource that keeps us alive and well, keep on reading, help the Earth, and spread the word. 

1.   Throw trash into the garbage, not onto the ground.
Trash can get blown into the water and suffocate the fish.

2.   Walk more.
Transporting the oil in your car can make oil spills happen.

3.   If you see an animal in an unnatural water habitat, tell a professional immediately.
Water animals can suffocate and die in the wrong habitat.

4.   Protest when new factories are built on the seashore.
Factories often pour excess materials into large bodies of water.

Only go fishing in the designated areas.
If there is not enough fish, the sea animals farther up the food chain will starve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isnt this what emma's supposed to be doing?
other emma